Sunday, November 27, 2016

If Your Evo Wingle Not Working Well, Try It

It often happens with Evo Wingle that stops working and gets over heating, also there are no significant signals for proper work. Then don't worry and just acquire some items shown in the image above.You may see here, how all the components have been combined into a plastic box.

You Need: 
1: 5 V CPU Fan
2: Charger 2A, 5V with USB Port
3:Plastic Box
4: Wire for Electricity 220 V
5: A 6-10 feet long bamboo (wooden pole) for using as antenna hight.
6: Silver plate
7: A clip (for holding bamboo)

How To Assemble:
Put your charger, cpu fan and Evo into the plastic box and  connect them as shown  in the image. Your charger will power up the Evo while cpu fan  would also blow air to  your Evo for cooling it.

How To Establish:
First, you have to fit the silver plate with plastic box to its rear site for the purpose of fitting with the clip which would hold the bamboo for keeping all components on yours specified height. Now every thing is right,go ahead and stand it up on the roof. (See th image on right side)

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