Saturday, June 23, 2018

Seat Adjustment In NA-65 Chakwal-II Between PMLQ, PTI

  • PML-Q, PTI make seat adjustment in NA-65 Chakwal-II

CHAKWAL: NA-65 Chakwal-II: Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q) senior central leader Ch Pervaiz Elahi told that PMLQ and PTI workers must recognize their common political enemy, keep an eye on conspiracies and save themselves from its tricks.

He told while talking to media and a large number of leaders and workers who were present after the acceptance of his nomination papers for NA-65 in Talagang on Thursday. He said: “We have rendered ideal service to the people of Talagang. People are praying for us and Insha-Allah they will get us victorious with big majority because N-League has done else in Talagang except paper promises and false claims. PML-Q and PTI have worked out seat adjustment here. With the blessings of Almighty Allah and support of the people we will be victorious. In the past we have rendered ideal service not only in this constituency but also the district, got constructed Talagang City Hospital, from Chakwal to Mianwali and Akwal to Shah Muhammad Waley and Pachnad roads, Insha-Allah after the success, gas will be provided to Lawa village and get one way road constructed from Balaksar to Mianwali.”
“In Talagang like the entire country our election was stolen and dacoity was committed on the people of my this constituency. I regard Talagang as my second home.
Hafiz Ammar Yasir has always fight case of common man of this area, like other backward and poor areas development of this area, provision of educational and medical facilities, supply of gas and electricity and elimination of unemployment and poverty is our big mission. During my chief minister-ship this was first priority and vision due to which we rendered ideal service to ordinary and poor man and undertook record welfare works.”

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