Sunday, October 8, 2017

Differences Between New And Old Muslim League Intensified After Disbursement Of Funds

CHAKWAL: After the disbursement of funds in District Council Chakwal, differences between the new and old Muslim League have become more intensified. And the front of each other has been opened against each other, the cold war is not taking the name of the halt.

Both the factions have been against each other. The cold war is not going to be stopped by any one.

This way a meeting was held on the rest house and then a local political's venue consisting on PPP-20 Council members, members of the district council, and also the leaders were invited to cool the intensity and bring the peace, but anti-Sardar lobby feelings could not be cooled

They had the same demand that there can be no kind of understanding which the reasons mentioned above with Sardar group, finally meeting ended up without any result

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