Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Nation Of Pakistan Need To 'Question The Thief': Imran

CHAKWAL: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairperson Imran Khan said the people of the country need to "question the thief" and ask accountability for the billions stolen. 
Imran was addressing a party rally in Chakwal yesterday. 
Criticising deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif, Imran said the PML-N leader was criticising the Army and the judiciary "to save his ill-gotten wealth".  
"Instead of answering for his crimes, he keeps asking why he was ousted," said the PTI chairman, further alleging that the former prime minister stole Rs300bn from the country. 
Referring to the Saudi visit by the Sharif brothers, Imran said Nawaz went to Saudi to plead with their leadership to save him.
Blaming the incumbent government for the present circumstances of Pakistan, Imran said no country or leader will respect the nation as long as the country remains indebted and keeps seeking more loans from financial institutions.   
"Trump is insulting Pakistan over Rs25 billion because the country keeps taking loans."
The PTI chairman alleged that two towers in UAE, owned by the Dar family, are worth Rs25bn. He further said Pakistanis have invested Rs800bn in UAE's property market over the last four years and "this was the people's money which was being stolen and taken out of the country". 
Elaborating on his party's conduct if it wins the upcoming polls, Imran said that Pakistan being a self-sufficient country will gather the money it needs from within Pakistan. 
Imran further said that the infrastructure projects developed by the Punjab government were not needed, as the "need of the hour was to provide employment to the youth".
"What they (Sharif family) did to the people of Pakistan, even our enemies would not do such things to us."
While addressing a press conference at his Bani Gala residence on Friday, Imran had criticised the incumbent government after the United States cut military aid to the country and questioned why was the prime minister not active in handling the situation.
Rejecting the recent US move to curtail aid to Pakistan for its alleged failure to cooperate in the war against terrorism, Imran blamed the country's political leadership for Pakistan's present state of crisis.
The PTI chief alleged that country's leadership is itself portraying a negative image, hence, why "would the US be any different".
He added that the Sharif brothers are belittling the country to save themselves and their ill-gotten wealth.
"When the country's leadership itself passes negative statements, why would anyone else stand with the country."
Referring to Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif, Imran said when Asif visits foreign countries he claims the PML-N is liberal while the PTI is with the religious parties.
"The United States is insulting us over Rs25 billion while the two towers owned by Dar's children are worth that much," claimed the PTI chief. 

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